1011 Real Estate Contact Number
1011 Real Estate Contact Number
Danube Properties 1011

Danube Properties

Total Projects: 25
Danube Group of companies was laid out in 1993 under the authority of the Pioneer and Executive of the Gathering - Rizwan Sajan. At first, Danube Gathering was a little exchanging firm, yet over the course of the years has set up a good foundation for itself as the main structure materials organization alongside different branches. The association's turnover in 2019 comprised USD 1.3B and keeps on developing with the ongoing business sector. The organizer behind the Gathering - Mr. Rizwan Sajan - took twelfth situation in the Main 100 Indian forerunners in the UAE' list by Forbes Center East. Danube Gathering is one of the greatest structure materials providers in the area. The two principal sections of the organization's exercises incorporate Danube Home (Home Inside/Style Arrangements and Building Materials FZCO). These branches offer different cutting edge items, which are accessible in display areas dispersed all through the MENA district. Different divisions incorporate Danube Properties Advancement Organization, Starz Media, American Stylish Centers, Milano (inventive shower items and arrangements), Alucopanel Center East LLC and Danube Neighborliness. The extravagant Gathering has a group of in excess of 2,500 representatives and the organization's locales of movement incorporate 9 nations across the Center East and Asia. The vision of Danube Gathering is to be the most favored brand across its divisions by 2025 as well as to turn into a worldwide global client and provider base.

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