1011 Real Estate Contact Number
1011 Real Estate Contact Number
Deyaar 1011


Total Projects: 18
Deyaar Development, one of the UAE's driving engineers and land specialist co-ops, was established in 2002 with a settled up capital of AED 18.38M and arrived at an offer capital of AED 5.78B by May 2007. The organization is one of the best property engineers in the UAE. This is affirmed by the way that Deyaar oversees north of 16,000 private and business units spread across 700 structures the nation over. Deyaar's President is Mr. Abdullah Ali Obaid AlHamli. He drives the organization and has all the obligation regarding the executives in all viewpoints. Mr. Al Hamli is a profoundly regarded and experienced professionalist, who likewise takes a place of Board Part and Overseeing Head of Dubai Islamic Bank, Joined Middle Easterner Emirates. Engineer has been granted a few times the organization has been over and over granted for its creative methodology and exclusive requirements of work. Among the honors are the accompanying: Development Advancement Grants the Best in Innovation and Development in the FM class in 2019, Bay Land Grants in Best Land Task in 2018, ICT Accomplishment Grants in Innovation advancement and Methodology class in 2017 and numerous others.

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